Broken Ridge is a AAA title that I've had the immense pleasure to work on.
On Broken ridge I had key responsibilities for a large portion of the Tech Art:
- Advanced landscape shaders with blending support with RVTs.
- Processing a variety of photogrammetry scan data into to landscape materials
- Creating SpeedTree models from photogrammetry scan data
- Creating and implementing a wind shader system in Unreal Engine that works with all foliage and trees.
- Taking SpeedTree assets and reprocessing them in Houdini to be batch processed with new information for wind effects.
- Taking artist foliage assets and batch processing Houdini for vertex colors and pivot information for wind in UE4
- I was a key person for profiling and consultation for Unreal Engine technologies.
- Write documentation for an optimized content creation pipeline that utilized Substance designer, Houdini, SpeedTree and Unreal Engine.
Ill be updating this post more when content gets released from NDA.